sarcasm mark ascii

newer posts - The Effective CIO.
Apr 2, 2013. What's your favoured name for the exclamation mark? Speaking of the. The entry on ASCII has just about every name you could think of.
(Mark only if above checked) ___ Not only that, it was also done better the last time. ___ Your. ___ Which was appended to the ASCII version. ___ You posted without. ___ You do not know how to recognize sarcasm/irony/humor. ___ Even.
. emotions, or concepts like humor to the people you're communicating with. Here's a simple tip for getting the right message across: Use ASCII characters to.
Project Gutenberg's The Stolen White Elephant, by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) This. 2012 Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS ... than to have it say some harsh thing, or, worse still, some sarcastic one.
sarcasm mark ascii
Review for Miami Rhapsody (1995) - IMDb.Twelve Views of Mark Jason Dominus - Perl Paraphernalia.
(3) Accordingly, the objective of this essay is to situate Mark 15:39 within its oral . are not an expression of belief but a form of sarcasm intended to mock Jesus. . accompanies the verb [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], but the usage is.
emoticon :-) smiley smilies <chat> /ee-moh'ti-kon/ An ASCII glyph used to indicate . to be humorous, sarcastic, ironic, or otherwise non-100 erious comments to be. As with exclamation marks, overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood!
Unicode Mail List Archive: RE: ASCII Consortium.
Apr 2, 2013. What's your favoured name for the exclamation mark? Speaking of the. The entry on ASCII has just about every name you could think of.
sarcasm mark ascii
1601 with Mark Twain's - Project Gutenberg.emoticon - Online Dictionary at
Zero Punctuation « ASCII by Jason Scott.
Mark Twain's Letters 1907-1910, by Mark Twain - Project Gutenberg.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 6, 1907- 1910, by. 2012 Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS .. You ought not to say sarcastic things about my "fighting on the other side.
Nov 20, 2007. ASCII by Jason Scott. a beautiful and damning blend of biting sarcasm, deep cuts, and soaring highs into a five-minute. Mark Siegal says:.
Sep 13, 1999. "The ASCII Consortium is the source of the path breaking universal 7-bit. Wonderful sarcasm, in spite of the spelling error.. Previous message: mark. "Unicode 3.0 Release"; Maybe in reply to: Markus.
Text editor; Byte Order Mark (headers already sent!) Fonts. Obscure scripts. In the beginning, there was ASCII, and things were simple. But they weren't good.